Saturday 28 October 2006

Great Works Of Fart.

A watercolour painting by an Irish Artist Louis Le Brocquy, (a very Irish name --- not!) was put up for sale this week. The study of Francis Bacon was expected to be sold for £15,000 but at a Sotheby's auction in London a secret buyer paid £153,600 for it, which is a very good reason not to bid on art when you're drinking, you were totally taken, Le Brocquy, isn't even dead yet hes 90, you just know the buyer can't wait for him to die so the price will go up, and another thing, its shite, or else its very good and bacon was a really really ugly fucking ghostie man, who the Hell is he anyway? did he invent bacon or something? I, in all my life have never gone out to buy a car and ended up buying a house, youth is wasted on the young and money is wasted on the rich, yes that is in the Bible.


Anonymous said...

Do you know what your problem is Knudsen? you're dangerous.

Sassy Sundry said...

The Gospel according to Knudsen 1:1---Artists who are not dead shall not overcharge for crap paintings of the founder of inductive reasoning or I will hunt you down for the dog you are.

Blogger hates me today too.

peahen said...

I don't think it's worth 150,000 or even 15,000, but I'll tell you what - I'd rather have it on my living room wall than this, this, this, this or this..

If anyone thinks that being a good artist is about being skilled enough with a paintbrush to make people think they're looking at a photograph - the fantastic news is that we have cameras now! I'd rather go outside and look at the English countryside than have a faithful picture of some bit of it I've never been to on my wall - what's the point of that?

I didn't know anything about Le Brocquy before today, but having riffled around the internet a bit, I'm pleased that I do now. Prise yourself from the idea of measuring how good a picture is by how accurately the artist can reproduce what he sees on the canvas, and this stuff becomes fascinating, exciting, sometimes gloomy or depressing, but far more interesting than a stupid cart stuck in a river! ;-)

Dick Headley said...

I'll move my comment up here then.

I think you might like Bacon's paintings if you give them a chance Knudsen. He really knew a thing or two about the existential void. Mind you he was 'one of those' so that could turn you off.

Old Knudsen said...

Mr Iceman NO! you are dangerous.

sassy sundry maybe I should write down my dogma and in 500 years someone will find it and it will be the big religion that everyone fights over.

Peahen a couple of those are pure shite but I can't condemn the last two as I'm an old horn ball, the one with the woman getting her armpit sniffed is creepy and quite funny. I am amazed when an artist can recreate something that can just reach out and grab you and I'm dismayed when they throw some old shit up that a 3 year old could do and all those so-called experts say its art, oh look a pile of bricks must be art.I suppose its all in the eye of the beholder, art is supposed to evoke emotion would you not agree rather than just brushstrokes? well this one of Mr Bacon makes me feel ill and the price made me boak.

dh nice of you to join us, I like to eat bacon, pork and gammon so I'll check him out when I don't have amazingly insightful posts to write and unwanted comments to give.

dive I was bitten by a Walrus once as a child, thanks for reminding me, not everyone can be as studly as us, you on the banjo and me on the spoons, we'll have weemen throwing their pension books at us.

Dick Headley said...

You should check him out Knudsen. You might get along quite well. He was allergic to Christians and dogs. Liked a drink too.

Old Knudsen said...

I can only wish that when I'm dead my life can be summed up as beautiful as that.

Old Knudsen said...

Ok I like some of this stuff though if you gave it to me I wouldn't thank you for it, but that Le Brocquy his "friend" can go and fuck off, you can tell him that.

Foot Eater said...

Was it Himmler who had two balls but very small, or did he have no balls at all? You know, that rhyme about Hitler. Either way, it seems unlikely that Himmler would father progeny unless of course Assad fucked him up the arse, in which case the likelihood of the two of them producing offspring would drop to the square root of fuck all. What are you on about, Mr Knudsen?

Yes, they do all look alike, and uncannily so. I just wanted to try and spoil your clever idea because I didn't think of it first and because that's the way I am.

Foot Eater said...

Oh shit, wrong post. Sorry, I've had a few. We had a fondue tonight and I've been drinking Swiss wine.

Old Knudsen said...

Too fast for me you Sasenach pretend friend to Frenchmen.

Old Knudsen said...

I suppose they had scones and napkins and the like.

Anonymous said...

Swiss wine? That's like saying "Australian culture".
It's about two steps down from meths.

There's only one drink in the world and that's Scottish "Wine". Preferably Talisker cask strength, but a case of any others gratefully accepted.

Anonymous said...

good lord. that painting isn't even nice to look at. Can we say laundering?

Old Knudsen said...

dive or like saying 'the swiss army'

xmichra maybe it looked better when they were pissed on swiss wine