Friday 23 March 2007

I Did It ........... Ish.

I just wanted to tell you all that I have finally made it to Blogs of Note, no not the we only pick boring and safe Blogs of Note as done by Blogger but I found myself on the links belonging to D.C. Warmington entitled Blogs of Note, so the Oracle at Delphi was right about my greatness and fame . I just hope she got the bit about the syphilis wrong or I have several e-mails and phone calls to make, I will start doon my links first.


D. C. Warmington said...

Mr Knudsen

You embarrass me with your praise, in which I detect not even the faintest whiff of irony.

Now that you come to mention it, I dimly rememember that Google has taken to listing what it pleases to call "Blogs of Note": these, however, are pretty unfunny and dull, offend nobody, and are not worth the electric.

It is flattering to be imitated, but annoying. Nowhere can I find any credit to me for the idea.

"I lead: others follow", as my mater's da used to say.

Momentary Madness said...

My sencere congrats on being noted on DC Watmington Blogs of Note. Cheers Paddy

Sassy Sundry said...

Well done, Knudsen. I'm glad someone has recognized your genius. Thank you, DC for making the old man happy.

The Mistress said...

I've always considered YOU to be the Oracle, Knuddie.

Have I been worshiping false gods?

Old Knudsen said...

Mr Warmington When I lead I must watch my back. Its tough being a pioneer these days, that cunt Ray Bradbury wouldn't have a career if it wasn't for me, I thought he was a drinking buddy but all the while he was taking notes.If you do get a whiff of irony that would be my medical condition.

paddy I swore I wasn't gonna cry.

sassy sundry I just hope I can continue with the quality I have been pulling out of me arse.

Hangar Queen is it molestation if its consensual? you know what does navy boys are like, they make me look manly.

MJ Unlike the numerous false Gods I don't want to save anyone, save yerself I can't be arsed.

Scout said...

Congratulations, old man. You are notable indeed.