Thursday 8 March 2007

There Ain't Nothing Like A Dame.

John Inman star of TV sitcom Are You Being Served? died, the 71 year old actor had been sick for a long time.

He died from Hepatitis A which may have been caused through eating contaminated food. What a stupid way to die in the 21st century, he may have had it since 2004 when it forced him to pull out of a pantomime and hasn't worked since then. Britain has lost another cultural icon.


dive said...

A sad loss, God bless 'im.

Sam, Problem-Child-Bride said...

That's sad.

They're thinking of immunizing all food workers in LA against Hep A. 40 bucks a shot but I guess if you look at it as an investment rather than a cost, insurance against law suits or such, it'd make the proposal more palatable for restaurants.

Anonymous said...

That guy was a riot! Sad for sure.

Anonymous said...

A loss felt even on this side of the puddle, though to a much lesser degree I'm afraid.

It is unfortunate that most Yanks are probably not familiar with him, and will never know what they've missed.

FirstNations said...

to die of hep A in this day and age takes some doing. no one noticed the poor bastard was lemon yellow? what?
another example of socialized medicine i say.

FirstNations said...

...the FAILURE of socialized medicine.

and the american public school system apparently.

Momentary Madness said...

A funny man....he certainly served; making us laugh. RIP

Old Knudsen said...

the FAILURE of socialized medicine

don't get me started on that one but I'm sure he could afford private Doctors.

Frobisher said...

RIP John - Panto will never recover. Shame it wasn't Christopher Biggins we could have a party.

Well, glad it wasn't Hep B so no jokes about licking bottoms

M@ said...

Just read an article today in the New York Times about how a geneticist believes that people of the British Isles are actually one people and that there were no real genetic differences between the English, Irish, Welsch and Scottish.

I bet that wouldn't sit well w/ a lot of ya, however.

Eddie Waring said...

Are You Being Served? is a guilty pleasure. I grew up with it.
The staff are camping in the store overinght
Mrs. Slocombe Where you ever in the Boy Scouts Mr. Humphries?
Mr. Humphries In a manner of speaking yes.

Gay as you like, funny as fuck, RIP Mr Humphries.

Old Knudsen said...

matt we all cum from the same mixed about stock, we just choose to ignore that,celts, angles, saxons and jutes, we're just nazi frenchies when you think about it.

Pickled Olives said...

i enjoyed reruns of the show - still funny stuff. Sad.