Saturday 7 April 2007

Yer Fate Is Sealed

Young dumb and full of cum ............... probably.

Norwegians do it, Canucks do it, even fluffy Polar bears do it, lets do it lets cull some seals.
I have decided that what ever the celebrity 'A' listers are against then I am for, these richer than thou dumb as fuck camera hoors have made their millions and think they can change the world by preaching, well buckos money talks, MacGyver , McCartney and Paris fucking Hilton and anyone else should club together and pay the men not to cull them, what? I don't see anyone getting out their wallets.
If we didn't cull seals they would eat all the fish and then cum doon after us, get them before they get us, go get a seal while stocks last.

A hotter parallel universe version of Paris Hilton.


tony said...

But They are Sooooo cute& fluffy!!!
Those soft appealing eyes.......the cute wee sounds they make as they cock their head to one side........the way they beg for fish...........
Yes! Damn Fine people The Norwegians !

Pickled Olives said...

I like clubbing, but, I'm getting a little too old to be taken seriouly by the twenty somethings.

Eddie Waring said...

I would happily club Paris Hilton instead and that Nicole Ritchie too. By club I do mean beat to death with a heavy object, it wasn't a euphemism for shagging them.

Old Knudsen said...

tony you wouldn't go around clubbing ugly animals now would you?

pickled olives go out clubbing with me and you'll look younger.

Mr Waring you just never know what you mean sometimes, now I know how my average reader feels.

tony said...

Oh,I forgot to tell you.I was in Hebden Bridge Library yesterday & tried to read yer blog.Its Banned ! Not Only China but Halifax as well!!!The World's gone crazy!

Old Knudsen said...

Those poor Halifaxians so unimformed.

FirstNations said...

i was just sitting here chewing on a hide to soften it when i realized that i have never tasted seal meat. quickly i took up my flint tipped javelin and set out upon the cold grey sea in my cedar canoe. i should reach prince william sound in another week-ten days provided the dried abalone and oolichan grease hold out. i have taken three heads already! two haida i surprised jigging for square grouper, and the other belonging to a drunk woman i came upon adrift at sea in a wheel of gouda.
the quest for sealmeat is on!
wish me luck!

SQT said...

Yes, let's club Paris Hilton.