Sunday 13 May 2007

28 Minutes Later.

Today a bear infected with the rage virus escaped from the Robbins research facility in London, tore and slashed its way through the city and was beat to death by the band of the Grenadier guards just outside of Buckingham palace . "It was a violent and bloody mess" said bandsman Hank Marvin, "if the sergeant hadn't distracted its claws of fury by sticking an oboe up its bung hole enabling us to kill it I wouldn't be standing here talking to you now." Pte Marvin has since sold his story to the Daily Mirror.

Anyone with blood on them and all 23 bear victims have been burned to contain the virus.

Old Knudsen the greatest Blogger in the world commented from his Killamory love nest, " a bear you say ? huh now thats strange."


ellie said...

What is it with bears? Tony has posted about a hanging one, you have a raging one, and I have posted about the beauty of one laying with a salmon :S

tony said...

THE Hank Marvin? i always wondered what became of him..............

Gorilla Bananas said...

Bears are big brutes who'll eat anything, but you've got to admire their name - short and to the point. Why don't you get that Scotsman who wants to be your PM to change his name to 'Tony Bear'? He looks a bit like one and he'll have a similar name to one that the people voted for.

savannah said...

it's a sign

remember the song..."...if you go out in the woods tonight, you're in for a big surprise..."

it's all about the end of the world via the teddy bears picnic!!!!

run away, run away...

Eddie Waring said...

Speaking of Hank Marvin, I could murder a bacon butty.

Old Knudsen said...

ellie that would be the connection our subconsciousnesses have otherwise known as BLOGJINX!

Tony hes just a shadow of his former self.

Mr Bananas A Bear is also a name gheys give to big hairy men, why not change it to Gordon Pink to make him seem more friendly?

savannah that song was creepy.

kate Isis its all very easy with the side bar stuff, photobucket just sounds too rude what ever that is, as long as yer blog is on the new beta use the customise button up top and create a page element it gives you lots of choice.

Mr Waring you got the connection, it was a whole zombie starving thing.

Anonymous said...

Pooh bear did it this time eh.

Old Knudsen said...

I hoped he cleaned his pooh up.