Monday 18 June 2007

Baby Blogging.

Hot from Hollywood the latest picture of Suri Cruise, as you can see she is a nice mix of both her parents and whatever alien DNA was used. There is a little staff shortage at the Cruise mansion as little Suri tends to strangle the nannys with the power of her mind when they scold her for levitating. Doctors say they expect Suri to be fully grown within 2 years when she will start her plan to conquer the world with her army of giant transformer robots, be afraid be very afraid. Enjoy her while you can Tom and Katie, she won't be this cute for long.


kimba said...

Someone is out of shot squeezing her tummy to make her eyes pop like that for the photo.

An old modelling trick I used to do..

Are there any plans for a 'new and improved knudson' on the horizon? Not that I am tired of the old one.. I am just asking.. you know.. to make conversation..

Akelamalu said...

I followed you home from 'Around My Kitchen Table' and almost wet myself laughing after reading your profile, and this post. I'll be back to read more.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Knudsen. Would you do me the favour of checking your e-mail inbox? Many thanks.

Sassy Sundry said...


It's early over here, Old Man. Stop scaring me like that!

jungle jane said...

She's got another pair of freaky eyes stashed in her fat little cheeks...

Manuel said...

I cant stop staring....

Anonymous said...

ok so now i've spat my biscuits and dip twice. Laughing my arse off until I have chest pains. Too funny.

Ms. Kimba said...

I think she's ate my soul.

boudica of suburbia said...

All part of the breeding program. Two parts bush-baby spunk to one part Katie Holmes yolk.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she has been using too much like Cocaine or something? I had a friend looked like that - turned out he had a terminal illness...

Anonymous said...

You can't fool me. It's the result of you shaggin the greys.

Captain Smack said...

That's what I used to look like as a baby. I think my babysitter was dosing my cool-aid with something. Now I only look like that on Friday nights.

FirstNations said...

oh yes...and soon it will leak out that she's actually the incarnation of a past OT or even *gasp* THE OLD MAN HIMSELF come to finish the new Levels!!!
and, and her first words will be the Clear number she was given in her past life as a Scientologist, and she will be able to name her former Org Supe and her Auditor and remember all the different planets she lived on, and...
yeah, yeah yeah. fuck 'em all.

Eddie Waring said...

She also appears to store food in pockets in her cheeks, like a hamster.
Call me a callous twat but she won't see her teens. Dead at 12 I'm tellin' ya.

Old Knudsen said...

Mr Bananas I hear she is provided with nutrients via machine.

kimba I'll improve when you learn to spell my name.

akelamalu nice ta have you, or it will be.

Mr Johnson thank god I did, I won the Dutch lottery and have some business prospects in Nigeria.

sassy makes ya feel broody right?

jungle jane yeah but isn't she cute?

manuel stay away from the light, only full bodied beers lad.

kate isis I think you may be dying, call the medics.

Mrs Cecrux By paying four installments of £29.99 to the church of scientology they'll send you a new one.

boudica of suburbia you linked to a Bush Baby, those things are as creepy as Lemurs, how dare you.

Freya Speaks its always the yanks that are shocked by that,I'll fucking well tone it doon for you.

proxima I used to ride a nightmare to school, fuck I should lay off the pain killers.

mutley the dog sick, dying people have such great comedy value, I love them.

mago they took my love juice, no shagging involved damn it.

captain smack Does it give you super powers like x-ray vision? I was stoned once but that was by the bloody Fenians on the Falls road.

first nations this shit isn't just made up by some writer you know, its a religion.

Mr Waring dead by 12 you say, its a bet, pink slips, c'mon I know you wear them too.

Anonymous said...

terminal illness usually results in death hun.

Old Knudsen said...

If you can't laugh at death then you aren't alive.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, but did you get my message?

Old Knudsen said...

Yes and I shall be replying to you soon. So eager.

Fat Sparrow said...

Ack! Ack! Wish it in to the cornfield!

Old Knudsen said...

fat sparrow there is a reason God wouldn't let Cruise breed.

kimba Ha! got you.

Anonymous said...

hahahahahaha. brilliant.

kimba said...

For six months I have had a quote from you on my homepage.. have changed it now..

Old Knudsen said...

I don't care what everyone says, yer a good gurl.