Saturday 9 June 2007

Fleas Thousands Of Em.

You all know I like to bath in the blood of young runaways and I sacrifice homeless people to the Voodoo God Dubudan, well there are still lots of the fuckers around.

In Perth and Kinross a homeless advice centre had to be closed due to an infestation of fleas, this is the third time in two years this has happened, the dirty bastards. I used to work in a homeless advice centre my advice of kill yerself, get a job and go on the game were largely the reason for my dismissal, some people just can't take good advice .


Momentary Madness said...

Lots of unsavoury little disease creeping crawling out of the murky
clouds of "lack of funds" (to keep the propper checks and balances).
Either that or what,? the world health organisation don't know what's going on / big business man, they're not paying enough the tax needed to take care of the planet and that includes we that are in it.
Y;-) Paddy
PS: haven't seen you for a while I've been with the Navajo in Navada learning all about witch-craft. I think we're going to need it. I've learned the Ghost Dance very well.
"O the rogue the red red rogues, they cooked good omelettes and stews, and I might have stayed on with them there but my heart cried out for you" unquote

Eddie Waring said...

Of course the homeless have fleas, it's one of the reasons that they are homeless isn't it? If you ask me, they should close down all homeless advice centers mostly because whatever advice they are getting does not seem to be the right advice as I'm pretty sure that I am seeing more, not less homeless people on the streets these days.

Sassy Sundry said...

Fleas or advice, it's all the same.

savannah said...

back on to bugs are we?

Old Knudsen said...

paddy I remember the time me and Kit Carson cut doon all the Naviejoes peach trees for a joke, people who eat peaches are cunts.

Mr Waring My final solution for homeless people will be covered in chapter 5 of my new book "whats yer fucking problem?" no thats the title.

rob7534 a bit like this blog too.

sassy Nomads have no home either and they don't have fleas, its just laziness.

savannah is it bugging you?

savannah said...

i'll show you just how much on wednesday, sugar

Full said...

Bollocks to the homeless, give us more of Jessica Alba.

I'm off to watch Sin City again.

Anonymous said...

Hm, Knudsen, your obsession with mite is slowly worrying. In the last weeks it was a bloodsucker, now it's fleas and coloured hair.
Where are you going to, sailor?

Eyebee said...

I get worried about coming in here really at times. I mean when I discover my true inheritance and become King of Penge or something, the fact that I want to hang half the wankers of the world, and boil the bollocks of the other half will come back to haunt me won't it?

Still when my claim to the Throne gets challenged, I'll just have them excommunicated to Weston-Super-Mare. I went there once, and it was so boring, everyone should be jailed there.