Sunday 27 January 2008

Blogger Uncovered

Its a little known fact that years back I worked during the day as an ace reporter at the Daily Beagle which is a top selling tabloid as you are probably aware of and at night I was the tough crime fighter "Captain fetal position" I could take a kicking like no other vigilante.

I make it my own personal crusade to find out the truth and possibility use it for blackmail in some way. I uncover, Frauds, Frogs, Flax, Frig and Fodder, nothing escapes me, well except that postman the other day, its a mystery as to how he undid that knot. Semen are proud of their knots.

I have discovered that several bloggers are not who they say they are, ach it really upsets me to be lied to as I sit here in cold Killamory scratching the stump where my leg used to be. If you can find a lie and prove it false on any of my blogs I shall stop blogging and committing other hate crimes.

Do you recognise the above avatar? let me jog yer memory, "I'm just having some bacon then I'm oot and aboot on the search for Fenian cock sucking, bitches."

Yes you got it. The avatar belongs to my favourite commenter (not true I hate you all) and good friend (not until she gets her shots and I don't mean Whisky) MJ.

MJ is the local magnitude defined for earthquakes. Better described here.

Mjd : Displacement magnitude It is calculated as the average of
Which if you think about it is a load of old bollocks and she is just having a joke at our expense. Very clever, but not clever enough.

I have discovered the real MJ in this photo taken 30 years ago. She is in fact Greta Von Sharpie the famous groupie who once dated Motley Crue , Ken Barlow and the terrorist organisation Hezbollah. You can run MJ but yer past has a bad limp.

This is why Old Knudsen calls Interpol amateurs. MJ is also a bit of a swinger.

I know who you did last summer ........... I still have the rash.


The Mistress said...

Who HASN’T dated Ken Barlow?

It was a ploy to move into #1 Coronation Street so I could live within stumbling distance of the Rovers Return.

Do you always lurk about on playgrounds? You may as well give me a push while you're there.

The Mistress said...

Did you date Barbara Amiel when she was working her way up the bj ladder at the Daily Beagle?

Marteen said...

I have a secret to impart to you. My brother Robert (aka Bob the Blogger)is not all that he seems. By day he is the worlds nerdyest blog writer. I mean, come on, train names and pillar boxes! I love him but I wish he would go for some therapy. But by night he becomes "Clicheman". He has an apt, if somewhat trite, saying for every occassion.
He likes to get invited to dinner parties, which is a shame because he never does and I don't have the heart to tell him why.
He claims he has a gift from God, which is curious, because he isn't religious! I think he is just hedging his bets in case it makes things easier for him later on.

Marteen said...

Oh dear. My spelling has really gone to pot. I should have said "nerdieness" and "occasion". My credibility is undone. Oh dear, again!

Marteen said...

Still got it wrong! I was looking for "nerdiest" and still missed the mark. Oops!

The Mistress said...

Eddie Waring called and is miffed that this day isn't all about HIM.

What can I tell him to make peace?

Alan said...

A conundrum I worked out quite a long time ago, but in the end does it make any difference - now what was I talking about - I've lost track, it's that photo I reckon did it, threw me for six. It must be the realization I gettin' on and there's no way back.
O yes who's who?
Well if that's who you say it is, he has had his brests removed;-)
;-) and shaves now.

Dick Headley said...

Been a while since I checked in OK. Can't say I'm offended by any of it really...I must be getting desensitized. But you certainly do have a way with words. Cheers, Old Dick.

FirstNations said...

my old dick is cheering too. that wacky canadian and her wacky stripey stockings! reminds me of when toulouse lautrec and i used to snort coke off the pale brows of the dead of a sunday they were always flinging us out of church for that. still my time is my own, and i saw manuels ass too so now I am saved. turn me in for a pole lamp or an ashtray with a picture of martin luther in. do you smoke?
because im' smokin, baby. God bless you sub-chief Thunderous RashHat. We who are about to dye solute you.

Anonymous said...

You might want to think about getting some cream for that there rash....

Old Knudsen said...

MJ I see selling drugs to kids as a community service, yes I have hung out of Barbara Amiel, shes a really nice lady. I have stopped believing in the exsistence of Eddie Waring, seeing is believing.

marteen Too many bloggers spoil the net, thats a good one, how dare you mispsell on my blog I thought I was setting the standard.

sean reck Believe everything and trust no one thats what I always say.

DH I heard that you had died. You are old and jaded someday I'll surprise you again.

First Nations canadian? those bastards killed princess DI.

PP you get one cream for one rash and the others laugh at it and build a tolerance so you end up with one rash gone and 10 still left its a cruel world.

Dick Headley said...

Not dead yet OK. But I am on life support. One of these days you'll be sorry.

Xmichra said...

well seeing as though i am a canadian i already know MJ because we all know eachother through Sue don't ya know. But it's nice when a blogger returns. Good on ya for the post Old K. It's odd to feel good about the recognition.. but alas it is what it is. heh