Monday 18 February 2008

LOLcats Are Fucking Shite

Not only do I hate all that 14 year-old idiot talk like LOL , BRB and BFF but I also hate cats, well not hate, I reserve the word hate for things that really get on my goat like horse fighting in the Philippines or Bishops from Leeds who think they can throw their weight around.

Cats annoy me, like Ted Bundy how everyone said he was good looking and charming but behind the smile he was a stone killer.

I've had cats so I know what ungrateful cunts they can be and as I sit here typing as usual I can smell cat piss from outside, how many times do I have to piss on my own hoose to mark my territory? when they start paying the bills they can start pissing on my door and hedges.


That LOLcat thing has been around for 10 years or so and I'm fucked as to why people think spelling like a mong over a cat picture is funny, now mongs are funny, nothing like taunting a mong with their big happy face to get yer day started, retards and ugly people are like God's photoshop, he gets bored so he makes a few up and laughs like fuck, LOLmongs.

Yeah yeah you know a mong or yer sister is one, feel bad Old Knudsen and shame on you well yer sister may be a tard but yer ugly and stupid too whats yer excuse? HA!


I know these aren't funny but neither is the cats and I don't spell like a mong I spell like an uneducated person, theres a fucking difference. You can insult mongs cos they don't know any better but insult a man's culture then you had better wipe them out and put them on reservations.

In case you missed this the other times I've posted it.


PENDULUM said...

What that's all about - I don't know - it was bleedin' cat, but you iz da bom. Anyway!
I'm off to India and Thailand with me bcakpack and a couple of pairs of jeans. I heard there's a lot of fame to be had in that direction in the bloggin' world.

h said...

LOLcats has been around for 10 years? Oh well, rap's been around for 30. There are no more short-lived stupid fads. They last and last.


If you piss on your territory immediately after lovemaking (or jacking off) male cats will regard you as an Alpha Male and fear you.

Anonymous said...

Don't visit my blog today. NOthing to see there.

Jenny said...

Troll - male cats already fear him, but it's for a different reason.

Hey, when "they" finally track you down and bomb you for continuing to post that picture... can I have your hat?

FirstNations said...

im in ur crib.... p'n on ur shooz

sind TH KAT

Xmichra said...

Aww.. so we aren't BFF's anymore?? I am hurt. I may have to throw an lolcat at yer doorstep in effigy.

Old Knudsen said...