Thursday 10 April 2008

Nothing To See Here Move It Along Please

I had a post written out and from the heart but then I couldn't be arsed posting it. I has been a long day and the Tibetans are revolting.

Ever see the show Ghosthunters? I'm a skeptical believer in everything, proof damn it not an hour of people in the dark cocking their heads and saying "what was that?" I want to see something like the ghost rape scene in The Entity with Barbara Hershey.

One of the hottest weemen in the world.

I wonder if a ghost cums and if so does he make the face and can he get a live woman pregnant, maybe that's them der phantom pregnancies I've heard of.

Does a ghost say anything when he comes? weemen usually call me God, well they actually keep repeating, "Oh my God, Oh my God" then I slap them for their blasphemy which spoils the mood a bit. "Oh my Demi God" would be acceptable.

I yell "Alba Gu Bra" when I come but most of you female readers already know that. Does a ghost go "OOOOHHHHHHH?"

Jason Hawes from Ghosthunters was hairless in the first couple of seasons and then he grew a goatee. Does that mean that Jason has been turned evil by the ghosts or is he a parallel universe Jason?

Why are goatees evil? is it because Satan is shown with one? hes is also shown with a big nose but that was a dig at the Jews so you can't believe what you see.
The parallel Spock had a goatee and he was evil, I never liked Spock anyway, too uptight. You don't go into space with one in the chamber after a 5 year mission it builds up and you grow a goatee and turn evil like Charles Manson.

So anyway I don't have a post today but I'll have you know that if I grew a goatee I would still be a paragon of virtue but with the hair on my chin and the smell of my breath I would earn the name 'cunt face' .


The Mistress said...

Wouldn't a ghost call it a "soul patch"?

FirstNations said...

'A ghost would say BOO
When it blew its spoo"

I'll be here all week.

Andraste said...

MJ - "soul patch" - brilliant.

I like Jason Hawes. Horrid grammar aside, he's kinda sexy. In that weird "husband's at work, but this roto router guy is kinda...lookin' at me..." kind of way...

Don't you find it hilarious that they're in these frightening dark places, looking for ghosts and not freaking out at all when weird stuff happens, but then they freak out and wet themselves when they see a mouse?

I like that.

savannah said...

yet again, i've missed a portion of popular culture, sugar...thanks for the exposure> ;-)

Jenny said...

I have to admit it, MJ was funny.


If this isn't a post, then this isn't a comment.

Old Knudsen said...

MJ funny comming from a soulless creature like you.

FN the restraining order says you won't be.

andraste Jay would make a good mate you can drink with and whats wrong with horrid grammar?

savannah it is my mission to educate people like you and Dive to pop culture so you don't lose contact too much with the world.

a boxer this post is an apparition and stop encouraging MJ.