Monday 18 August 2008

A Half Blood Prince Is No Use To Man Nor Beast

"I have sometime to tell you, I'm a ghey mong"................ " yer ugly as well and HP is shite"

I knew it all along, Harry Potter is a queer! woops thats a post for another day when he finally cums out of his demonic witches broom closet may he burn in Hell with his Satan overlord.

No lets start off a bit more gently Harry Potter or rather the little boy Daniel Radcliffe who plays him is a mong! yep a tard a Joey Deacon, he rides the window licking bus to ghey central.

You know what that means then? those who have read and enjoyed the books or even the films if that is at all possible are mongs by association .

Radcliffe who is aged 12 but chain smokes to look cool and older suffers from some made up load of bollocks called dyspraxia which sounds like the meds I'm taking to stop my constant painful 4 four long erections, not painful for me I must add.

The condition means he has trouble tying his shoelaces, sounds like a normal teenager to me. Have you seen those adverts on the telly aimed at stupid kids and their idiot parents? The shoe laces cum alive and tangle the child so they can't run or play or buy drugs whatever the young uns do these days. To save the day cums Z-Straps which is Velcro shoes.

A teen can operate a computer or mobile phone but give them a pair of shoe laces or a clock that isn't digital and the are fucked, which reminds me Gary Glitter is being kicked out of Vietnam after serving his time as a pedo, if any of my English readers want to kill him when he gets to the UK just send me his head as proof and I'll send you an 'Old Knudsen' t-shirt. Its cumming up to wash week so sending it to you is as much hassle as washing it, you can see proof of my night sweats on it.

So anyway laces. When I was a commando in WWII if you were unsure of who the person was you'd crawl up behind the soldier and feel his laces, if they were zig zagged he was a German if they were straight across he was a Brit or was it the other way around? anyway I killed my fair share of Yanks and civilians but whose counting we fucking well won?

Dyspraxia can affect any or all areas of development, including intellectual, physical and language, and can impair a person’s normal process of learning.
In other words even if you are a weedy,stuttering, mong who knows fuck all you can still become an actor. Remember that the next time Affleck tells you to vote or Clooney wants you so save some wogs in Africa or Di caprio cries about global warming, I don't see that Gore licking cunt buying me a Hybrid.

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Barlinnie said...

All this time we thought you were just another raincoat wearing kiddy fiddler, sitting all alone at the back of the cinema and whooping with joy everytime Harry Potter bent over to tie his shoelaces. The clouds of suspicion have been lifted, as we now know that you were only there to do research, not as suspected, to knock out a quick one off the wrist.

The Mistress said...

Is that the same t-shirt you keep on your bedpost to wipe your knob?

Send it to me.


Jenny said...

Would this be a good time for once again ask for the cap?

Bunny said...

I refuse to try to teach my 7-yr-old to tie his shoes so long as velcro close shoes are available.

angela said...

Hermione looks sad. Danny should have wiped his face before telling her.

M@ said...

Yeah, but the REAL action was in the Pacific, mate.

Anonymous said...

Hi Knudsen. Totaly off topic but I have made some sort of discovery. Whilst posting a comment on Gingersnap's wordpress blog I mistakenly left a letter out of my ronknee URL so it read "blogsot" instead of "blogspot" and when the link is clicked, it takes the reader to some sort of paychurch. It also, so I found works with "blogpot" as well. At first I thought it was the reverend Ian Paisley having a go at me personally but tonight I tested the same formula with YOUR url as well i.e. and found out that you had ALSO been targetted with this shite.

Thing is that it makes us look bad to be associated with this shite, so what can we do about it? Think how many people are typing our URLs in and making the odd mistake and getting a pageload of crap from a "pay-church!"

Whit's the world comin' to?

This sort of stuff shidnae be allowed...

angela said...

thanks ron. The site says that by god's mercy its one of the largest bible-centered sites on the web THE mega-site of bible, christian and religious information and studies but I did searches for "flagellation" "bestiality" "dungeon love" "nipple abuse" "anal fisting" "mouth slut" and "Knudsen in a rubber suit drinking piss from a dog bowl" and have received NO guidance NO pictures NOTHING. This site is crap I'm going back to mj's she's got it all.

FirstNations said...

who cares? he got his knob out and i saved the picture. next?