Thursday 21 March 2013

Duke Of Earl

Duke of Kent had a little stroke it seems, no that doesn't mean he was halfway through a wank then a tour party walked into the room of his palace and disturbed him.

It was a mild stroke not thought to be serious. The serious thing is who the fuck is the Duke of Kent? Hes the cousin of the Queen it seems and that is not very helpful.

Hes the president of the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club ..... why didn't you say so?

The news outlets need to use their adjectives more, dems be describing words like you are a cunt! How about saying, "The Duke of Kent, yon baldy horsey looking fella, not very important so don't get too upset, suffered a wee stroke of bad luck nothing more?"

Now I know who he is and don't have to bother reading the story in favour of Twitter being 7 and having 200 million users or how we should eat locusts.   

Harsh? ...... cruel? ..... as long as the Queen is well and over her shits thats the main thing. If the Loyalists of Northern Ireland riot and break the law and think thats being loyal to the Queen just wait until yon soft hippy with the big ears that fucks yer ugly hag creature becomes king, they'll really be loyal to him.

"Lets get all the Irish in Northern Ireland off unemployment and into traditional Celtic basket weaving programs so they won't have time to attend any flag protests."